Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

in which Anderson worked, RRG can give the notion a principled defini­
tion. Affected arguments are arguments which are involved in new states.
Consequently, with the exception of ACT performance objects, they are
expressed in a vN's LS as the single argument of a one-place BECOME
stative' predicate, and they are always permitted to function topically in the
vNP. In Table 1, these are the arguments which are linked to the under­
goes of the Type A, Type B, and Type  (ACM) vNs. All of these vNs
have the LS [predicate' (x)] CAUSE [BECOME predicate' ()],  being
the PAT or EXP involved in the new state, BECOME predicate'. Since
Type A Us have been specifically defined and treated as affected EXPs (cf.
fn. 33), they will not be included in the following discussion, although in the
type of nominal under investigation here (i.e. vNPs lacking a direct argu­
ment, but headed by vNs capable of taking both macroroles), their pattern
of preposing is identical to that of Type  PATs.
Table 2 accounts in more detail for the Type  and Type  patterns of
preposing in verbally-derived nominals lacking a direct argument. Note that

Table 2* Preposed As and Us in vNPs Lacking a Direct Argument and
Exhibiting the Type  and Type  Patterns of Preposing in Table 1

vN Examples Salient Attribute of Nominal Macrorole 's vN
A's vN U'svN
Type  A CM RSs: Clear PAT in LS - +
destruction (PAT is affected by action)^41 ACM RS
Type CACM ACM^ Ρ erf. Objs. : PAT or an + +
creation instantiation of the PAT is ACM Res Perf. ACM RS
invention effected by action Obj. (PAT in­
publication corporation/
translation instantiation)
Type CACT ACTPerf Objs.: + (+)
investigation Focus of activity can AC-ACT ACM-sense
exploration be treated as PAT in ACM Perf. Obj. "RS"
analysis interpretation; activity
examination as a whole can be treated
as an AC-ACT perform, obj.
* Notations introduced here include: "RS" for "result state"
ACT" for "accumulated action."

"Res" for "result vN"; and "AC-
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