(73) a. EXP's vN (EXP = U/A)
b. PAT's vN (PAT = U of RS V/vN)
"PAT's" vN (ACT arg. interpreted as perf-obj. PAT)
d. A's vN-U (U interpretationally incorporated into vN)
e. A's AC-ACT-vN (possible with most vNs having an ACT
component, but no EXP or PAT^44 in LS)
f. A's vN [of U-≠EXP] (both macroroles present in vNP).
These patterns may be placed on the LDP linking hierarchy, originally
given in (55), as follows:
(74) LDP-NParg Linking Hierarchy: EXP > PAT^45 > A[-EXP]
(A/U) (U)
(a) (b,c) (d,e,f)
In other words, if a vN's LS includes an EXP, only the EXP can occur pre-
nominally (a). If a vN's LS includes a PAT which is neither linked to the
direct argument position nor incorporated into the meaning of the vN, only
the PAT can occur prenominally (b). If a vN's LS includes an activity
argument which may be interpreted as a performance object PAT, that
argument may occur prenominally (c). Otherwise, with the exception of the
idiosyncratic exclusions footnoted throughout the preceding discussion, A's
may occur prenominally as long as the vNP 1) includes the U in the mean
ing of the vN (d), 2) is headed by a vN having an AC-ACT interpretation
(e), or 3) includes an U direct argument (f).
In summary, then, if it is correct that animacy is typically associated
with the A macrorole, as was proposed earlier in the discussion, topicality
in the English vNP can be defined in terms of Deane's animacy and Ander
son's affectedness. Specifically, the topically-functioning preposed argu
ments included in the LDP-NParg linking hierarchy are: 1) by definition ani
mate EXPs, 2) nonarbitrarily defined affected arguments, and 3) typically
animate As. In determining preposing, the semantic relations in which topi
cality can be specifically defined (i.e. definitionally animate EXPs and argu
ments positionally defined as affected) take precedence over the semantic
relation with which a topical relation is merely typically associated. That is,
the A's typical freedom to function topically because of its broad associa
tion with animacy is conditioned by 1) the presence of an EXP or a PAT in
the vN's LS, 2) the inclusion of an ACT component in the vN's LS and the
freedom of the vN to take an AC-ACT reading, or 3) the freedom of the vN
to incorporate the meaning of the U into the vN on a result reading. LS-