- Although single-argument process ACHs like landing can take an accumulated-
action interpretation (cf. 57f), no process ACHs capable of taking both mac-
roroles were found to be included in the data. The possibility that A's vNAC.ACT
pres-^ is permitted can only be conjectured. - Among the ACM performance objects included in the data base — all of which
have PATs in LS —performance is unique in having an AC-ACT interpretation.
That is, A's [AC-ACT-vN] is permitted with performance, whereas the other
ACM performance objects take an A's [vN-U] interpretation. This is predictable,
as performance is the only ACM performance-object vN which is also related to a
single-macrorole (= A) ACT verb: cf. The old typewriter performed as if it were
new. Due to its jointly-held ACT-class and ACM-class membership, therefore,
performance need not not include the meaning of the ACM U t in the vNP in the
absence of the direct argument. - It should be emphasized that PAT conditioning is neutralized where the vN has
joint membership in the ACT and ACM classes (cf. discussion of performance in
preceding footnote.). It should also be reiterated that PAT conditioning applies
only where a PAT is encoded in a vN's LS. Thus, with ACM performance objects
headed by vNs also having membership in the ACT class, and with ACT perfor
mance objects having a pragmatically permitted, rather than an LS-encoded
"PAT," the PAT (or "PAT") does not condition the grammaticality of A's vN.
Rather, A's [AC-ACT-vN] and PAT's/"PAT's" [RS-vN] are equally possible.
That is, the PAT > A hierarchy is neutralized because the vN's ACT-class mem
bership permits an U-less activity interpretation, while the vN's Ls-encoded PAT
or pragmatically-permitted "PAT" permits an ACM RS interpretation.
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