In summary, with respect to auxiliary selection, essere is considered the
default auxiliary, occurring in all constructions in which the condition given
in (30) for avere is not met — in this case, attributives and identificationals
pattern with objectives since they do not satisfy the condition in (30). With
respect to ne-cliticization, the default condition is the absence of n-clitici-
zation, with ne-cliticization occurring only under the condition stated in (36/
37) — in this case, attributives and identificationals pattern with subjec
tives, since they do not satisfy the condition in (36/37). Overall, then, sub
jects of attributive and identificational constructions do not fall under state
ments of distributional requirements which refer to typical actors (like aux
iliary selection) or to typical undergoers (like n-cliticization).^14
4. Cross-linguistic patterns of attributive/identificational constructions
4.1 French
In French, attributive and identificational constructions pattern consistently
with subjectives with respect to //-inversion constructions as well as with
respect to their auxiliary selection and with respect to the non-occurrence
of en with quantified NPs. (38)-(43) show this pattern for //-inversion and
(38) Il est arrivé trois amis.
IL are arrived three friends
"Three friends arrived."
(39) *Il est heureux trois amis.
IL are happy three friends
"Three friends are happy."
(40) *Il est étudiant trois amis.
IL are students three friends
"Three friends are students."
(41) Il en est arrivé trois.
IL of-them are arrived three
"Three of them arrived."
(42) *Il en sont heureux trois.
IL of-them are happy three
"Three of them are happy"