(65) a. Trudjasciesja pobezal na fabriku.
workers-NOM ran to factory
"The workers ran to the factory."
b. Trudjasciesja/* trudjascixsja ne pobezali na fabriku.
workers-NOM/*GEN NEG ran to factory
"The workers didn't run to the factory."
(66) a. Trudjasciesja begali ρ o ploscadi.
workers-NOM ran around square
"The workers ran around the square."
b. Trudjasciesja*trudjascixsja ne begali po ploscadi.
workers-NOM/*GEN NEG ran around square
"The workers didn't run around the square."
Other classes of NPs which allow the genitive of negation are direct objects
of active transitive verbs (67), passive subjects (68) and objective intransi
tive verbs (69), but not subjective intransitive verbs (70), or attributive and
identificationals (71)-(72).
(67) Ja ne polucal pis'malpisem.
I NEG received letters-Acc/-GEN
"I didn't receive any letters."
(68) a. M odin gorod ne by I vzjat vragom
not one city-NOM NEG was taken enemy-iNST
"Not one city was taken by the enemy."
b. M odnogo goroda ne by I vzjat vragom
(69) a. Otvet iz polka ne prisel.
answer-MAsc.NOM.sG from regiment NEG arrived-MAsc.sG
"The answer from the regiment didn't arrive"
b. Ne prizlo otveta iz polka.
NEG arrived-NEUT.sG answer-MAsc.GEN.SG from regiment
(70) a. Ni odin rebenok ne prygnul.
not one child-NOM NEG jumped
"Not one child jumped."
b. * Ni odnogo rebenka ne prygnalo.