in one category vs. the other with respect to the other clause. There is,
then, an "accusative"-like structure, in which Agent-or-Subject in both
clauses co-referent counts as "same", while other conditions count as "dif
ferent"; there is also an "ergative"-like structure, in which Patient-or-Sub-
ject in both clauses, when co-referent, count as "same", while other condi
tions count as "different". Notice that other kinds of devices, with privileges of
deletion, anaphorization, etc. also seem to work on similar, global condi
tions. What is important to see is that the local vs. global nature of the
device depends on how many of the variables of these four domains are left
for coding with some paradigm of specific surface markers in the linked
clause, the variables of one or of two NPs. This is summarized in Figure 7.
Reference Maintenance (given Figures 4,5,6 and (2)):
Local: Linkage and/or regimentation and coreferentialitv fixed
Figure 7