This derivational pattern applies to a major subclass of stative verbs in
Tepehua. The prefix ta- is added to them to create achievement verbs, and
the prefix ma:- is added to statives to form accomplishment verbs (the
achievement and accomplishment morphemes do not cooccur). This pat
tern of derivation is consistent with Dowry's scheme, and it is found overtly
in the patterns of verbal derivational morphology in many languages.
There is another derivational relation between two classes which is
very important cross-linguistically, namely that between activities and
accomplishments (see Dowty 1979: 60-3). This general pattern relates activ
ity verbs of MOTION (e.g. run), CONSUMPTION (e.g. eat), and CREATION (e.g.
paint) to the corresponding accomplishment verbs. This is illustrated in (22)
for English.
(22) a. Bill ran in the park. Activity
b. Bill ran to the park. Accomplishment
c. Larry ate fish. Activity
d. Larry ate the fish. Accomplishment^22
e. Darr ell painted (for several hours). Activity
f. Darr ell painted Mary's portrait. Accomplishment
Application of the tests in Table 1 confirms these interpretations. It is not
necessary to list each of these verbs twice in the lexicon; rather, the activity
forms would be listed and the accomplishment use would be derived by the
following lexical rule.
(23) Activity [motion, creation, consumption] —» Accomplishment:
Given an activity [ LS predicate' ...], add "CAUSE
[ BECOME predicate' ...]" to form CAUSE ψ accomplish
ment LS.
The nature of the predicate added in ψ depends on the type of activity.
Motion activity verbs take a locative predicate of the form BECOME
(NOT) be-at' (y,z), as with run in (20d). With consumption verbs, it is usu
ally BECOME NOT exist' (y), and with creation verbs, BECOME exist'
(y). The LSs for (22d,f) are given in (24).
(24) a. [eat' (Larry, the fish)] CAUSE [BECOME NOT exist' (the
b. [paint' (Darrell)] CAUSE [BECOME exist' (Mary's por