Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

perception complements, and -rle (cognition/propositional attitude) com­
Predicates of cognition and desire which select for a dative argument
that conveys the focus of cognition or desire may fill this argument position
with a purposive complement clause which is marked with -tyeke "purpo­
sive". Thus the verb ahentye-ne- (throat/desire-sit) "want" as in (1) and the
nominal predicate kaltye "be knowledgeable of" as in (2) both require
either NP arguments marked with the dative (-ke "DAT"; e.g. (la) and
(lb)) or purposive clausal complements (e.g. (lb,c) and (2b)).
(1) a. Re kere-ke ahentye-ne-me.
3SGS meat-DAT desire-be/sit(want)-NP
S/he wants some meat.
b. Re Ihe-tyeke ahentye-ne-ke.^3
3SG s go-puRP desire-be/sit(want)-pc
"S/he wanted to go."
 Re ahentye-ne-ke Kwementyaye Ihe-tyeke.
3SGS desire-be/sit(want)-pc Kwementyaye go-puRP
"S/he wanted Kwemantyaye to go."
(2) a. Re kaltye Arrernte-ke.
3SGS know Arrernte-DAT
"S/he knows Arrernte."
b. Re kaltye alye mpware-tyeke.
3SGS know boomerang(O) make-puRP
"He knows how to make boomerangs."
Note that the subject of the purposive complement with these predicates
must be omitted when it is identical to the subject of the matrix predicate.
If the subjects in both clauses refer to distinct entities, then the subject in
the purposive complement must be present.
Purposive complements may also be selected by say/tell verbs and jus­
sive verbs. In this case a purposive verb may convey the content of what a
person was told, asked, ordered or forced to do. With such verbs the sub­
ject of the purposive junct may be omitted under identity with the under-
goer argument in the matrix core, as in (3).
(3) Artwe-le ilerne-nhe ile-ke Ihe-tyeke.
man-ERG IDL-ACC tell-pc go-PURP
"A man told us to go."

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