- Blake (1987:145) identifies structures of this sort as cases of center-embedding in
Arandic (i.e. one clause is surrounded by the other). Note that the purposive
clause could also follow the verb in e.g. (lb), and could precede the verb in e.g.
(lc). As Blake notes "the purposive clause occupies the same place as a nominal
in the dative or other oblique case would have occupied." - Note however that (6b) can also have the interpretation: "The man watched while
the kangaroo drank the water." - In Warlpiri (Central Australia) langa 'ear' also has a figurative use which is
described in the Warlpiri Dictionary (Warlpiri Dictionary Project, ms. fascicle on
body parts) as designating "the 'rational' cognitive faculty", and the entry also lists
the following as possible English equivalents: "intelligence, understanding, mind,
memory, reason, head, brain(s)". The Warlpiri form langa-ngku ma-ni (lit. ear-
ERGATIVE get) means 'to call to mind, recall, remember'. Similarly, in Yir-
Yoront (southwestern Cape York Peninsula), pin 'ear' has the further meaning of
"[t]he ear as the seat of intelligence and attention" (Alpher, ms.: 287) and this
form is used as a prefix to verbs "to form verbs of intelligence and attention"
(Alpher, ms.: 289). Both the verb meaning 'to remember' (pin-pinVlt yam) and
the verb meaning 'to forget' (pin=porng+m) in Yir Yoront contain pin 'ear' as a
prefix. - One is tempted to note at this point the view held in certain areas of philosophy
and psychology (and attributed to Vygotsky) that active problem solving and con
scious thinking involve subvocalization.
Alpher, Barry, ms. Yir-Yoront Lexicon (May 1989).
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