- A Synopsis of Role and Reference Grammar PART I: THE THEORY
- Introduction Robert D. Van Valin, Jr.
- Clause structure
- Information structure
- Lexical representation and semantic roles
- Syntactic relations and case marking
- Linking syntactic and semantic representations in simple clauses
- The structure of complex sentences
- Linking syntactic and semantic representations in complex sentences
- Future directions
- Notes
- References
- Semantic and Syntactic Factors in Control PART II: APPLYING THE THEORY
- Introduction L. Michelle Cutrer
- Approaches to control
- The RRG analysis of control
- A semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic analysis
- Conclusion
- Notes
- References
- A Clause Linkage Analysis Serial Verbs and Complement Constructions in Mandarin:
- Introduction Mark Hansell
- Serial verb constructions
- Complement constructions
- Complement constructions as serializations, not compounds
- Reasons for treating CCs and SVCs alike
- Clause linkage in Mandarin serial verbs
- Conclusion
- Notes
- References
- Clause Combining in a Polysynthetic Verb-Initial Language Subordination and Cosubordination in Nootka:
- Language type William H. Jacobsen, Jr.
- Background
- The data
- Survey of findings
- Analytic problems
- Main clauses
- Clause chaining
- Sentence-connectives
- Prepositional clauses
- Verb serialization
- Subordination
- Nominalization
- Summary
- Conclusions
- Notes
- References
- Preposition Assignment in English
- Introduction Julia A. Jolly
- Prepositional assignment to functional roles
- Extending the RRG analysis
- Concluding comments
- Notes
- References
- On Deviant Case-Marking in Latin TABLE OF CONTENTS vu
- Introduction Laura A. Michaelis
- The Latin data
- Latin 2. A Role and Reference Grammar analysis of deviant case-marking in
- The Latin data
- Comparison with previous analyses
- Conclusion
- Notes
- References
- Argument Linking in English Derived Nomináis
- Introduction Mary L. Nunes
- The vNP: Some preliminary demarcations and definitions
- The verbally-derived noun phrase in RRG
- Concluding comments
- Notes
- References
- and Identificational Constructions On the Syntactic and Semantic Alignment of Attributive
- Introduction Linda Schwartz
- predicates 1. The unaccusative-unergative patterns of attributive and identificational
- The thematic structure of attributive and identificational constructions
- An analysis of Italian attributive and identificational constructions
- Cross-linguistic patterns of attributive/identificational constructions
- Conclusion
- Notes
- References
- Introduction Linda Schwartz
- Bottom Up Of Nominatives and Datives: Universal Grammar from the
- Introduction: The lessons of phonological universals Michael Silverstein
- Léxico- and grammaticosemantic categories
- Case-marking categories in particular
- Two examples of telescoping case-marking paradigms
- The "focality" of nom/abs : dat
- Explanatory note
- References
- Remember in English and its Equivalents in Mparntwe Arrernte Predicting Syntactic Structure from Semantic Representations:
- Introduction Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. & David P. Wilkins
- Theoretical background
- The English verb remember
- The realizations of remember in Mparntwe Arrernte
- Conclusion
- Notes
- References
- An Investigation of Turkish Clause Linkage
- Introduction James K. Waiters
- Layered structure of the clause
- On Turkish operators
- Turkish clause linkage
- Clausal subordination
- Clausal cosubordination
- Core coordination
- Core subordination
- Core cosubordination
- Conclusion
- Notes
- References
- Topics Index
- Languages Index