Advances in the Study of Bilingualism

(Chris Devlin) #1

language lessons were excluded from this study although integrated language
development and content learning was evident in most inter-disciplinary
(3–7 year olds) lessons.

Research instruments

The methodology utilized within the research encompassed a range
of qualitative and quantitative research instruments, including the

  • semi-structured interviews with headteachers, language coordinators,
    teachers and pupils at primary and secondary schools, focusing on
    language allocation/ use within individual subjects in class, language

148 Part 4: Bilingual Education

Table 7.1 Proportion of lessons in each year group

Year group Number of lessons Percent

3–7 year olds 17 17.0
7–11 year olds 28 28.0
11–14 year olds 24 24.0
14–16 year olds 23 23.0
16–18 year olds 8 8.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 7.2 Subject of lessons observed

Subject of lesson Frequency

Inter-disciplinary (3–7 year olds) 17
Mathematics, Science (7–18 year olds) 22
Arts and Humanities (7–18 year olds) 35
Vocational, Practical (7–18 year olds) 26
Total 100

Notes: Subject of lesson included the following curricular areas:
Inter-disciplinary (3–7 year olds) refers to the Foundation Phase subjects or areas of learning
which include Personal and Social Development, Language, Literacy and Communication, Welsh
Language Development, Mathematical Development, Knowledge and Understanding of the World,
Physical Development, and Creative Development;
Mathematics, Science (7–18 year olds) refers to Mathematics and Science which are classifi ed as
core subjects (along with English and Welsh L1) in the National Curriculum for Wales;
Arts and Humanities (7–18 year olds) refers to the following National Curriculum Non-Core Subjects:
Modern Foreign Languages, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, and Religious Education;
Vocational and Practical (7–18 year olds) refers to the following subjects: Key Skills, Design and
Technology, Information and Communications Technology, Physical Education, Media Studies,
and Childcare.

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