Advances in the Study of Bilingualism

(Chris Devlin) #1

University. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all of the authors for
their excellent contributions to this volume, and to the ESRC Centre for
Research on Bilingualism in Theory and Practice, and authors’ respective
schools and institutions, for allowing authors the time to write, and for sup-
porting the development of the volume. We extend a particular thank you to
the School of Education and the School of Linguistics and English Language
at Bangor University for providing the time for us to edit the volume, and to
Professor Margaret Deuchar (Director) and fellow members of the Executive
(Professor Colin Baker, Professor Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole, Professor
Debbie Mills and Professor Guillaume Thierry) at the Centre for entrusting
us with the role of volume editors.
We also extend our sincere gratitude to all our individual reviewers who
spent time and effort formulating constructive responses to chapters, helping
us ensure peer-reviewed quality to the volume. We also thank Multilingual
Matters for their support during the production of this volume, to Kelly
Webb, Felicity Kyffin and Emily Roberts for assisting with the editing, and
to an anonymous reviewer for reviewing the volume as a whole.
Most importantly, we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the
ESRC, the Welsh Government and HEFCW for funding research at the
Centre, and to all participants who took part in our studies. Without their
support, we would not have been able to achieve the wealth of research con-
ducted at the Centre (only a portion of which is presented in this volume),
and for that, we thank you.
We hope this book contributes towards furthering our understanding of
the complexities of bilingualism, and how the two languages of the bilingual
influence each other in production, perception, development and the mind,
in theory and in practice.

Introduction xxv
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