http://www.weg.c go! Drive&CampMay2019|^105
Whatis awater column?
With nylon tents, yo uusually getawater-co lumn number inthe
specificationlist .This“watercolumn”isani maginary tubefilled
with water.One open side of thetuberests againstthe tent’s
surface. Thewater-column numberist he amountofwater you
could tapintothe imaginary tubebefor ethe water is forced
throughthesurfa ce.
Take a1500 mmwater column as anexample: th is means that
the tube is filled with waterupto1500mmbeforeitstartstol eak.
Thehighe rthe figure,the morewaterproofthe material.
Do note that the water-co lumnrating does nottake into account
the tent seams.Ift he seamsleak,the rating isuseless .Canvastents
do notprovideawatercolumnfigure, and untreatedcotton leaks
“I wasalwaysinf avour ofnylon
tents, butnowadays Iprefer
tentshave durablesteel poles
versus easy-to-break fibreglass
poles.Theyusually alsohave
longer pegs thataren’teasily
dislodgedby the wind.
Forme, however, thebest
featureofacanvas tent is that
youcan sleep and lieini tall day
because they arecooler than
nylon tents.”
But whatabout theweight?
“You driveyour carto where
you’re goingto pitchatent.
So,weightdoesn’t matter.I
admit thatcanvastents aren’t
forhikers,but nowadays there
arehikers’huts on manyroutes,
and soyouwouldn’t be needing
Neel Britsis amanagerat
4x4MegaWorld and he sellsall
the differen tkindsoft ents you’re
“There’satime andaplace for
ever ykind oftent. My cust omers
usually buyadurablecanvas tent
forMom and Dadandanylon
tent forthe kids.The reason
is thatparents arelookingfor
adurabletent thatwill pr ovide
years of service.
They then chooseacheaper,
compacttentfor the kids,as
they’ll outgrowit and laterleave
the house.Idon’t know of any
customer who usesaroof tent
forthe parents andaground tent
forthe children. Either everyone
sleepsupstairsoreveryone on
the ground,” says Neel.
About durability, he says:
“Polyesterstaysclean longerthan
cotton.Many of ourtopseller sare
made ofapolyester andcotton
blend.Nylon will also keep many,
manyyears ifyoulookafter it.
Formy4x4 holidays, Iuse my
canvastent, but when Itravel
with my motorbike,Ipackmy
nylon tent.”
Some believethistentprovides
protection againstlions and
other beasts(as if ahungry
lion wouldn ’t climb ontopof
abakkie!),but formost people
it’s about theconvenienceof
foldingitinminut es.Itiscool
and waterproof,but ca nbe
apestifyou needaloo break
at nigh t...
Weight± 80 kg
Sweat factor
and RoshaanWienand,
holi daymakers.
Cotton dometent
Most 4x4enthusiasts will
have oneofthesestalwarts
canopy. Thesmallerversions
areprettyeasytopitch, but
youneed awholeteam for
the biggerones. It’s dark and
cool soyoucan sleep late.
Sweat factor
Badenhorst, author
and traveller.
HH 5000 mm
Tent Material
HH +Hydrostatic Head