Go Drive & Camp May 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1

110 |May2019go! Drive&Camp

thesemodifications.But these
days,the new normallyaspirated
engines arequitehighlystrung
as is,andthat’s whyweinsist on
tuning cars onadynamometer,”
says Cornel.
As aruleofthumb,
Wulfchiptegnik don’t reallytouch
entry-level engines andbudget
vehicles.“Thosecarsare already
runningjustabout reliablyon
crappyfuelanyway. Ourdiesel
isn’tgreat comparedto what
is availableoverseas,but our
unleaded petrol is particularly
restrictive.Onnormally aspirated
cars therearen’ttoo many
changesyoucan make, with the
exception of timing. Increasing
thetimingmay give youabitof
power, but onaveryhot day, your
carwill struggle andthe engine
with start detonating.Even
He alsopointsout that onthe
largernormally aspirated engines,
system andafewECUtweaks
couldresult inadecentgain,
depending on thevehicle.Using
an example ofa6,2 ℓnormally
aspirated V8engine from
Mercedes-Benz, Nevilleexplained
thatitcame from the factorywith
amap thatrestricted thethrottle
openingto just 70%andthat
hewasableto grantacustomer
fullaccess to 100%throttle and
therefore asignificantincrease in

CanIlose my tune?
Notexactly, because once
your ECU hasbeen mapped,
or chipped,then it’s setto stay,
writtento thefirmware unless
your manufacturerreleasesan
update tothesoftwareandrecalls
your vehicleto adealershipfor
theinstallation.Bear in mind that
theirupdate couldoverride the
tuned map.Inthe caseofthe
Unichip,themanufacturer might
alsodiscover your chip andflag it.
be alteredisifanother tuner
startsplaying aroundwithyour

settings. Amorelikely scenario
is amechanical or electronic
component that’s malfunctioning,
andbecause it’s notquite 100 %,
theremight beissueswithhow
the ECU’s enhancedsettings
interact withafaulty component.
Youalsowillhaveto go see
your tuner ifyou’re planningto
move from sea-levelCape Townto
Johannesburg,whichis littleover
1700 maltitude. “Thedifference
in atmosphericpressureand
density of theair dictatesthat
the balanceofair andfuelhas
to bealteredin thatscenario”
says Neville.

Which isthebetter option
We’vepresentedyou withtwo
optionsthat couldbenefityour
vehicle if it’s in tip-top shape.If
it’s not however, or thewrong
componentsare faulty,then
youcould facemajorfailure
andsit withexpensive repairor
arethe same andthatthere will
always bevariances. Youmight
enjoy asignificant powergainand
even improvedfuelconsumption,
or your powermightremain the
samewhile your fuel efficiency
Thebiggestdifference between
place. Onadynamometer,
youhavesensors andsafety
precautionsattheready while
attemptingto simulating
everyday drivingconditions.
much powerandtorqueyou’re
producing andevenget aprint
outto showoffat the next braai.
Havingyour vehicleremapped
is anotherkettle of fish, because
your vehicleisn’t tuned liveon
adynamometer.Thenew map
is loaded andcustomisedas
needed, butyouwillfeel the
differencesontheroad andatthe
pumps.Speak to those who’ve
hadtuningdone,but ifyoucan
findanoptionthatwill give you
your moneyback ifyou’re not

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