Go Drive & Camp May 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1
136 |May2019go! Drive&Camp




TheKruger is the perfect placetorechargeyour batteries.But watch

out foranimals intent on stealingyour cookies,saysGustavPutter.


e’re readyfor our annual
visit to the Kruger
NationalPark. Our spot
at Sataraisbooked and
werecheckthe packing list to makesure
everything’sloaded up.Aside from the
meat,wood and those sort of things,we
makedoublysure thesweets are packed.
Ihaveabit of asweet tooth...mywife
calls meachocoholic.
We’vebeen trying our hand on baking
deliciouschocolate biscuits foracouple
of years now, and they’vebecome an
institutionwhen wego to the park.We
buy thechocolate theweekend beforewe
leave,bakethe biscuits, then carefully
count and divide them up so thatthere’s
twobiscuits eachwitheverynight’s
coffee.Whatcould be lovelier than
throwing another log on the fire and
then enjoyingacoffee–withasplash
of condensed milk and perhapsalittle
Amarula–and twobiscuits around the
crackling fire?Youcan feelthe stress of
the city disappear asyousit back and
stareat the flames of the fire dancing in
front ofyou.
When wearrive at the park,wedrive
through the Orpen gate and then carry on
slowlysothatwearrive just in time for
the 2pmcheckin. Werelax in our camp
chairs and have asmall afternoon nap.
This is relaxation indeed.
Awhile later,wegrabafewsnacks and
refreshments and go forasunset drive.
Beforewedepart,Istack thewood for

tonight’sbraai.We’ll return just as the
gate closes, thenIcan light it. Heaven.
Westopat awaterhole and marvel
at howmanypeople just stop and then
drive off straightaway,supposedly
because there is nothing to see. Luckily,
we’velearned thatpatience(along with
afewother things suchasagood book,
something to drink andagreatpiece of
fatty biltong) is the answer.
Weenjoyaquiet afternoon and drive
into Satara’sgates twominutes before
closing time.Iimmediatelylight the
fire,whilemywife starts making the
braaibroodjies and cook some potatoes.
Here in the park, banting is for the birds...
Everything goeswell, and before long,
everything is readyfor the braai. Before
wesit down to eat,Iadd afewmore
logs to kick-start the fireagain for those
biscuits and coffee just now. After ahearty
meal,Iboil somewater,pour the coffee
and get the tin of biscuits. Nowit’stime to
satisfymy sweettooth.
Just howmanybiscuits didweplan to
have eachnight?
Tw o, mywifetells me andIwonder
whywedidn’tthinkto bring some more.
Wetakeour first ones out the tin and
place it on thewall behind ourchairs,
barely twostepsawayfrom us.
And howdelicious thatfirst biscuit with
the coffee tastes!Iget up and add some
more condensed milk tomycoffee... this
is, after all, our first night andalittle bit
of extrasweetness is certainlyallowed.

Ichecktosee if mywife is
watching me in caseIcan
quicklybag an extrabiscuit
behind her back, but she’s
watching me likeahawk.
She knows me toowell and
Irealise tonight I’ll have to

I’M JUST ABOUTreadyfor mysecond
biscuitwhen suddenlythere isanoise
behind us.Ijump up,lookaround,and
see our biscuit tin has disappeared! I
get the big light that’salso on thewall
behindus and scan around inadaze.
Then Isee the culprit:ahoneybadger that
disappears under our bakkie with the tin
of biscuits in his mouth.
Nowthe dazechanges to indignation,
withmysugar rush.Tonight, it’smeand
the honeybadger and the biscuits. And
I’m on thewarpath.
Ihandthe light tomywife,grabmy
trekking pole and tell her to light under
the bakkie because I’m going to getmy
biscuits back. I’m onmyknees and see
Mr HoneyBadger (maybe it’sMrs, but now
is not the time to be politicallycorrect).
Ipush thewalkingstickunder the bakkie
and try to push the badgerawayfrom
the biscuits.Idon’tquite dare crawl
underneath the bakkie, becauseIknow
if I’ mtrapped in this tinyspace with the
animal, I’m probablygoingto sufferafew
nasty bites.


for Satara’s


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