Go Drive & Camp May 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1

40 |May2019go! Drive&Camp


restaurant and bar are
in the same building
as thereception and
youcan get something
to eatand drink here
whenyoudon’t want
to cook.There’salso
aTVso youcan catch
the game.

sit backand watchthe big-screenTVto
see ifyour team is victorious.

Theablutionfacilities are in thesame
building as the receptionoffice, butset
apartfromthe restaurantandbar.So,
youdon’t have to worry about someone
eatingtheir breakfastwatchingyou
brushyour teeth.
Thefacilities are modern, clean
and neat, andpotted plantsabound

to highlight the garden theme hereat
WaterberryPark. On the men’sside, there
are threewashbasinswith alarge mirror,
but thestorage space foryour toiletry
bagislacki ng. There aretwo urinals,
twotoilets and twoshowers, eachwith
abench andhook foryour clean clothes
and towel. Theshowerroom’sdry section
is separated from thewetbyanarrow
glasswall;sotakesome caretokeep the
floor in front ofthedoordry.Gas geysers
provide thehotwater.The women’s

facilitiesare identicalwith the exception
of theurinals.
Outsidethe door of themen’sfacilities
is afamilybathroom,whichisbasically
ashowerand toilet in thesameroom.
If youwant to scrubupslightlycloser
to nature, then showerinone of the
threeoutdoo rshowers on theleftof
the ablution facilities.There isplenty
of privacy in thesewooden cubicles,
but you’re stillshowering outsidefor
all practical purposes.Thewheelchair-
friendlybathroomis also on thisside.

One thing thatunfortunatelycounts
againstWaterberryPark is the fact that
the campsitesits ontheroad between St
FrancisBayand Humansdorp.
Latenight it gets quiet,but fo rmost
of the dayyou hear theconstantnoise
of traffic.Theownersarewell aware
of this andhaveplantedalane oftall,
dense trees in anattempttomute the
sound.You’dshuddertothink howit
would sound if itwasn’t for the trees.
It is neverthelessagreatplace to take
your tents ifyoudonot want to camp in
abusier campsite in the
area, butstillwant
to visit all the
attractions. >
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