http://www.weg.c go! Drive&CampMay2019|^43
high,thereis no noise from thetownto
disturbyour peace.
Although itwasfairly quiet with our
visit, it does getvery busyover December
holidays andyoushould getgoingifyou
want to bookyour spot here.
39 standson greengrass.There’s
no partitionbetween youand your
neighbour, but thestands areclearly
numberedandthe resort mapyouget
when youcheckinclearlyindicates
whereyour standbegins andends.
Theresortmap even indicates in
squaremeters howbig each stand is;
so,youcan decidewhichone –big or
small–isright foryou.
Thewholecampsiteoverlooks the dark
green, densely wooded mountains of the
GamtoosValley,aswell as the riverand
theflat farmland inJeffrey’sdirection.
Therearen’t reallyshadetrees, and
thoserandomly dotted around don’t
to bringyourblueplug and packan
extension cordofatleast 20 maswell, >