44 |May2019go! Drive&Camp
becauseat someofthe standsyouare far
fromthepower point.
Youalso shareatap with your
neighboursand youneed to bring
your ownbraai and grid as they’re not
provided here.There arealsonogarbage
binshere, but theresort staffwillbring
youarefuse bagfor your garbage that
theycollect eachmorning.
It’s good and clean and fresh...
We have no complaintsabout the
ablutionfacilities. Itis in onelarge
block at thetop of the campsite and has
separatefacilities formen andwomen.
It iskept cleanand tidy throughoutthe
day, andeven when the campsite is full,
youshouldn’tneedto queuewhen you
HOWCANWEHELP?Onebigadvantage of
camping hereisthatyou gettouse the hotel’s
facilities,including therestaurant and bar.The
FerryHotel’s shop compareswell with other
resortstores, because hereyoucanfind anything
from the essentialstolollipopsforthekids and
something strongerforthe grownups.