Go Drive & Camp May 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1

52 |May2019go! Drive&Camp


Thereare numerous accommodation options within the park
and closeto the Vioolsdriftborder post.Ify ou book
accommodation in theRichtersveld NationalPark,your permit
and conservation feeare included in the price. Extr apermits
areneededforthe Kuboes 4x4communityroutebetween
Kuboes and Eksteensfontein and the Namaqua 4x4EcoTrail,
whichcovers theremainder of theroute.

This campsitehas no facilities andyouneed to dig your own
loo.The sceneryhereisc harming,and ifyouluck out,an
eagle will berearing its chicks in thetowering cliff.Look out
forthe LeaningToilet ofTierhoek,one of the
Richtersveld’s quirkiest touristattrac tions.
Contact [email protected] 081 873 9043
(Wilma James)
PriceR200 per permit.

TatasbergWilderness Camp
This is theRichtersveld NationalPark’s most luxurious
accommodation, but sometimesyouneed abit of pampering
in this harsh area. Eachcottage can accommodate only two
people andyouwill needto book anextracottage when
travelling withyour family.Ift hereare three ofyouinthe
vehicle,SANParks will look the otherwayify our child is willing
to sleep on an inflatable mattress on the floor.
Contact sanparks.org
PriceR924p.n. per house (communityand conservation

Kuboes4x4 CommunityTrail
This routehas an official campsiteoutsideKuboes called
Glybank,but thereare better places and there’snoprotection
against the wind here. Youare,however ,freetopitch camp
anywherealong theroute, which isabetter plan in anyevent.
Just rememberto take everythingyoubroughtinback out
again.There’snoone heretoclean up afteryou.
Contact [email protected] 071 792 2412
[email protected] 074 500 4593
PriceR30 p.p. over 12to driv ethe routeand R20p.p.toc amp.
Theofficeclosesat 2pm.

This riverresorthas cottages and stands,and the namecomes
from the herbs andvegetables theygrow sixmonths of the
year.You only payify ou wantto pitchatentnexttot he river
or stayinone of the tincottages.Ify ou’resatisfied withastand
awayfrom theriver, youmay camp forfree. Thereisa lso abar,
and ifyoulet the managementknowinadvance thatyou’re
on your way, theywill preparedinner (usuallyabraai)and
breakfastforyou andyours.
Contact christine@thegrowc ery.co.za 027 761 8007
PriceR215p.p. forthe corrugatedironcottages.Ariverfront
standcostsR125, but furtherawayit is free.Meals cost fr om
R95 p.p. forbreakfast upto R140p.p. fordinner.
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