We had to sound theretrea tand
double back on ourwaypast
Rooibergand rather takethe more
moderate HelskloofPass.
56 |May2019go! Drive&Camp
SuzukiSouthAfricaloaned usanewJimnywith
standardtyres and suspension.Because therewere
three of us andwehadto be self-sufficientfor
aweek,FrontRunnerfittedthe Jimnywitharoof
rack andawning,four ammo crates, stratchets,
atable with chairs,a20ℓwatercan, and fuel-,
spade-and spare-wheel mounting brackets.Atthe
11th hourwedecidedto take alongsand boards,and
althoughFrontRunneralso hasamountfor these,
wesecured themto thesparewheel.
Although the Jimnyisabravelittlevehicle,it
couldn’t carryeverythingweneeded if it hadn’t been
forFront Runner’s accessories.Our driving
impression of the Jimnyappears onp. 32.
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