http://www.weg.c go! Drive&CampMay2019|^65
Briefly |Edenpark
CampsiteAchoiceofthree campsites,all
with pavingand trees,somewithgrass
Ablution facilitiesEachstand hasits
PriceR270-R660p.n.per siteforfour
Contact 087820 7240 or 079 455 9320
[email protected]
Arrivaland departuretimesNoonand
3pm, but in thepeakseason2pmand
10 am.
Whatdoes theroad look like?Ta r
roadtothe camp gate,then 200mof
GPSS24.440919E28.682299 (gate)
go! Drive&CampsaysThis is
abeautiful andpeaceful campyou’ll
wantto visit againand again.
Early in the morning,befor ethe
sun peeksover the horizon,you
canwatchbuckgrazing in the
veld oppositethe stream.
Theplayground behindthe reception
office is the busiest place in the camp.
Theswimmingpools are popular
and everyone, including Grandpa and
Grandma, can relax here during the day.
Next to the largepool isapool for the
little onesthat’ sonly50cmdeep.
Around theswimm ingpool aresome
wooden benches on the grasswhere
youcan read beneaththe trees orkeep
awatchful eyeonthe younglot in the
water.The backs of the benches are also
at just the right angle to lean back and
have anap.
In the recreation hall, playagame of
table tennis (you payR100 deposit for
rackets and R5 pergame) and pool (R100
deposit for cues and R5 per game). Dad or
Mum will have to come along to rent the
equipment and give their signatures if the
kids areyounger than 12.There isalso
alarge-screen TV with DStv.
Theplayground is justas neat as the
rest of the camp andhas ajungle gym,
slide,swings andatrampoline.You’ll
also find frameswhere youcan park
your bike.
EdenPark doesn’thaveashop, but
there isatuckshop to the rear of the
officewhere youcan buy treats including
ice cream, soft drinks andchips. There
is alsowood (R15), fire lighters (R15),
charcoal (R30) and ice (R10) for sale.
If you’ve forgottenyour LouisL’Amour
bookat home,youcan borrow abook
or twofromthe library in the tuckshop.
Just remember to give it back.Next to
the tuckshop is abathroom withtoilets
and basins.
If your meatsupplyrunslow,head to
the Vleisfabriekstore,about 6kmoutside
Mookgopong on the R520.Foranything
else, there’sasupermarket with basic
groceries,aliquor storeand fillingstation
another4kmdown theroad.