http://www.weg.c go! Drive&CampMay2019|^77
nightat ATKV Klein-Kariba
beforethetour startedin
all earnest. Pieter tells
us more...
To theborder
“Weworked out
our travel menus
carefullyand planned
every mealtothe finest
detail.This planningwould
after thosedayswehad to travel
far and didn’twant towait for a
braai fire to makecoals.Wecould quickly
putameal together for those nights.
Wemade sureeverything ispacked,
saluted Klein-Kariba and hit theroadto
theMartin’sDrift border post.Wedidn’t
enter Botswana that day, but campedat
theMoriti Bush Camp,lessthan10km
fromtheborder.Thisis theplace to stayif
youwant to beat theborder earlythe next
morning.Weall agreed Moritiisagem
of acampsite and the perfect place from
in Botswana.
Betweenthe giants
Ourborder crossingwent smoothlyand
wearrivedattheWoodlands StopOver
just outsideFrancistown.Itisabeautiful
campsite with lotsof grassand trees,
andlotsofneatand modernablution
facilities. It’sbusy here, especially earlyin
themorning,but shortlyafter sunrise, the
campwasalmost desertedaspeople left
fortheir respectivedestinations.
Sands near Natawherewespent thenight.
It’saspecial experience–there’s is ahuge
waterhole in the campwhere elephants
are no fencesorbarriersbetweenyouand
theelephants, andyouquicklyrealisehow
trivialyouare in thepresenceof these
imposing animals.
Elephant Sands’ablution facilities
are basicandthecampsitedoesn’thave
electricity.So, ifyoudependonelectricity,>
Canyou tr avel
with aregularroad
carava n? Yes, you
can, sa ysPieter
vander Merweof
Riebeeckstad. EVERYLAST DETAIL.Thetour group set out from theFree State,and thanksto fastidious planning,were
ableto ensurethatthe vast majority of their trip through Botswanatook place on smooth tarmacroad.But
theyalso warn thatwhere theroad is bad,it’sveryimportantto keep your speed downto dodge potholes.