78 |May2019go! Drive&Camp
youhavetohit theroadafter onenight.
Wewere not equipped tobecompletely
independent of electricityandheaded for
Senyati,about 20 km from Kasane. Here
our trueadventurebegan.
In the campsite,wesharedtwosmall
privateablution blocks andakitchen.The
resort peoplekeep the hot-water donkeys
stokedand thefacilitiesare basicbutclean
–perfect forarealbush experience.
If you’relucky,you’ll hearalionroar
or ajackalhowlatnight.Alate-afternoon
visittothewaterhole (next to the camp)
withacoffee (or something stronger) is an
incredible experience.Crowdsofelephants
–invarious herds and some ontheir
own, from babies totheelderly–gather
forthe day’srefreshment.Theymove
about, trumpet, bump and thump–simply
wonderful. At thevantagepoint (about
10 mfromthewaterhole)you go quiet and
areoverwhelmed,it’salmost as ifyouare
part of the herd.Attimes,therewere 50
elephants gatheredinone spot.
Time to explore
If youdon’t havea4x4,you can make
use of operatorswhotransportyouat
areasonable ratewiththeirvehicle.Wedid
it and theoperatorsarewell trained,very
friendlyand makesure tourists getvalue
TheChobe Nature Reserve,withits thick
sandyroads,isjustoutsideKasane andis
atruepark experience. Becausemuchof
theroute runs along the Chobe River, it is
alsoabird-watching paradise.Fish eagles
and lilac-breastedrollersare almost as
plentiful asimpalaare in the Kruger.An
Wealso didaboattrip ontheChobe
and canhighlyrecommend it.Theriver
flows wide and lookingat the animals
from thewater is somethingwehad not
experienced before. It teems withwater
birds, andthebirdwatchers among us
couldn’tget enoughofthisabundance. By
late afternoon,everyonewasamazedat
the stunningsunset.
If you’reever in this area,adaytrip
to Zimbabweup to theVictoriaFallsis
somethingyoumightwant to include in
your tour programme. Bringaraincoat
(or rentaponchoat thewaterfall). It’s
about 70km from the Botswana border,
but remember,it’savery expensive
to takeavehicle from Botswana into
Zimbabwe(about R800). So, fit as many