http://www.weg.c go! Drive&CampMay2019|^83
roof rack with aT-Max 48”jack.
On the loading bayisa nRSI
canopywith an RSI Smartrack
system, sand boards,LED roof
lights,aFront Runner loading
system,ARB compressor,Desert
Productsdualbattery system,
an Engel fridge-freezer on
aDesertArmour slidingframe,
apicnic table,fire exting uisher,
burglar barsand kitchen with
cutlery and gas stove. At the
back isaDesertArmor st eel
bumper andunderneatha60ℓ
fuel tankthatcomplementsthe
standard80tank (andalmost
doubles ourrange).As far as
tyresare concerned,the D-Max
nowboastsGeneral GrabberAT
Allthis extraequipment
adds 650 kgto the tareweight
of 2100 kg.Because thegross
vehicle mass(GVM) isatonne
heavierthanthe tare weight,
one hasto load 650 kg less in
the bakkie. So,you’relooking
at 450 kg left over forgear and
occupants.Thatmeans youcan’t
load anythingextraonceyour
family of fivehas beenseated. It
also affectsyour towing,because
the noseweightoft he coupler
also means extraweight.
Theweights affectthe gross
6000 kg)to alesserdegree.
Isuzuallows atow of upto 2,9 t,
but inSouth Africa youcannot
exceed the standard
with the
GVM of the
caravan. The
caravan’s GVM may
thereforenot be higher
than 2100 kg.
Hook of st eel
Youwon’t easily findasturdier
towbar than the one that’spart
of theDesert Armour bumper.
Theball section (withitsneck)is
removable and fits into asquare
tube.Across pin holdsthe neck
in place and workseasily –you
don’t needtools to get it out.
Therear camera’slens is just
to theleftoft he load bay’sdoor
handle.So, it’s not in themiddle
an angleto the ball.
Theimage of the lensis
displayedasper usual on the
navigation screen, and on here
the ball is aboutafinger width
to therightoft he centre of the
screen. It does n’tbotheryoutoo
much–and youcan’t complain
about the extra-large screen
(19,5 cm wide).
So,when youreverse with
the D-Max, youcan se ewhat’s
going on behind the bakkie.
(Incidentally,the test vehicle
doesnot have reverse sensors,
which meansthere’snoalarm
mighthit something.)
Theindexlinesonthe screen
arestatic ,but to hookyoucan
turnonthe HitchGuide on the
screenby to uching it.Adotted
line then appears that runs
between the index linesand >