http://www.weg.c go! Drive&CampMay2019|^85
Pieter says
Forthe D-Max’stop
model, thedashboard
of this bakkieisprettybasic.
Thereisgreat storagespace:
youhave adouble cubbieand
evenstorage spacebehindthe
GPS screen.
Yousit comfortablyhigh
and youcan seeclearly around
you. Sometimesabakkie’s
Bpillarright next to your right
shoulderaggravates theblind
spot,but notinthe D-Max.
Itspower didn’t impress
me.It’sa3ℓengine andyou’d
expectaround450 Nm,but the
engine feelsabit weak.It’strue
thatthe bakkieismuch heavier
thankstoall theextra fittings
–and thecaravan isalso on
the heavyside, butthere is too
Forexample,ify ou step on
the accelerator at 100 km/h
on alevelroad,thereisno
immediate reacti on from the
engine’s side.
If oneaccelerate srightaway
fromastandstill,the revs go up
to justabout4000 rpm(where
the meterismarkedinred)
beforethe gearboxchanges
gears,but theD-Maxisnot a
racing horse.The gearboxitself
feelslike oldertechnology, but
the switch is fast enoughand
youhardl ynoticeit.
Theengine is also noisy,but
whenyou’re nottowing,it’s
abit quieter,probablybecause
it doesn’t have to work as hard.
Ilikethe dotted line that
showson the camerascreen
whenreversing.The line
runs alongto the bottomat
thebumper whereitcircles
the ball .With thedotted
line, it’s easytosee your line
Parked,the stee ring wheel
turns withdifficulty,but when
youdrive it is comfortable.
Butthe ride itselfisextremely
comfortableand it almost
Pieter Crousis
atowmaster of noteand
here’swhathethinks of