Go Drive & Camp May 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1

http://www.weg.c o.za go! Drive&CampMay2019|^89

Up inajiffy
TheAndes’tentisq uickand easy to pitch .As
soonast he corner steadies standfirm,you
swin gthe frame (towhich the sparewheelis
attached)to the right. Before yo uliftthe lid
(also theroof of thetent), youfirsthave to
remove the awning from its bag,otherwise
youwon’t be ablereachitift he roof is raised.
Release theclipsabove the jerry cans
andliftthe roof.You don’t have to be a
bodybuilderto get thelid up;youjustliftit
up slig htly an dthe gasstruts takeover. There
is aslinginthe middleofthe backoft he
caravan withwhichyou pullthelid downto

close it again.
Pitchthe awning by swingingitoverthe
nose cone an dattaching itto thefront right
corner of thecaravan.Three poles keep it up.
At its widest ,the canopyis1,9 mwide.
When stayingforlonger thanasingle
nigh t, youcan se tupt he dressingroom
(1,5 x1,6 m) thatattaches withVelcro to
thecaravan’s tent .APVCground sheet zips
underneathtof ormasealed floor. Thetent
has openingsonall threesidewithmosquito
netsand flaps thatcan openand roll up
completely;so, youcan chooseonwhich
sideyour doorshouldbe >
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