
(vip2019) #1

Using a calculator

A calculator is a machine that can help us to work out the
answers to calculations. It’s important that we know how
to do calculations in our heads and with written methods,
but sometimes using a calculator can make calculating
quicker and easier.

The display shows
the numbers that
have been typed
in or the answer

Always double-check
your answer when you
are using a calculator,
because it’s easy to make
a mistake by accidentally
pressing the wrong keys.

Number keys
The main part of the calculator’s
keypad are the numbers 0 to 9.
We use these keys to enter the
numbers in a calculation.

Arithmetic keys
All calculators have keys for adding [+],
subtracting [−], multiplying [×], and dividing [÷].
If we wanted to calculate 14 × 27, we would
press [1], [4], [×], [2], [7], then [=].

ON and CLEAR key
This is the key we press to turn the
calculator on or to clear the display,
taking the value displayed back to zero.

Decimal point key
We press this key if we are calculating with
a decimal number. To enter 4.9, we press [4],
then the decimal point [. ], followed by [9].

Negative key
This key changes a positive number
into a negative number, or a negative
number into a positive number.

Calculator keys
Most calculators have the same basic keys,
just like this one. To use a calculator, we simply
type in the calculation we want to work out,
then press the [=] key. Let’s take a look at what
each key does.








7 9

4 5 6

1 2 3

0 =

. +/

156-157_Using_a_calculator.indd 156 29/02/2016 18:57

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