
(vip2019) #1
Calculating with money

Calculating with money

We calculate with money in just the same way as we calculate
with decimal numbers. We can learn to do this in our heads, using
what we know about numbers, or use written methods, like column
addition (see pages 86-87) and column subtraction (see pages 96-97).

Let’s add £26.49 and £34.63 using
column addition. We looked at how
to do column addition on pages 86-87.

First, we write one number above the other number.
Line up the decimal points, and put another
decimal point lined up below in the answer line.

Next, we work from right to left, adding
each of the digits. The answer is £61.12

£26.49 + £34.63 = £61.12

£26.49 + £34.63 =?

Line up the
decimal points


So, £26.49 + £34.63 = £61.12

Round it up
Another way we can
calculate with money
is by rounding up or
down. Prices are often
close to a whole number
of pounds, so it’s simpler
to round the amount
up to work out the rough
total. Then we just have
to adjust the answer
at the end. Remember,
£1 is equal to 100p.

Adding amounts of money

£40 + £46 =?

£86 − 3p = £85.97

£40 + £46 = £86

£39.98 + £45.99 =?

£39.98 + £45.99 = £85.97

Let’s add £39.98 and £45.99
by rounding both numbers up
to the nearest whole pound.

First, we add 2p to £39.98 to get
£40 and add 1p to £45.99 to get
£46. So, we’ve added a total of 3p.

Next, we add the two amounts
together: £40 + £46 = £86

Finally, we just have to subtract
the 3p that we added on at the
start: £86 – 3p = £85.97

So, £39.98 + £45.99 = £85.97

3 4.6 3


£ p

2 6.4 9


6 1.1 2

200-201_Calculating_money.indd 200 11/03/2016 16:24

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