
(vip2019) #1


A triangle is a type of polygon. It has three sides,
three vertices, and three angles.

Congruent triangles
Two or more triangles that have sides
the same length and angles the same
size are called congruent triangles.
These triangles face different directions
but are still congruent.

In geometry, we give special names
to different parts of a triangle.

The base is at
the bottom

All the triangles are the
same size and shape

Parts of a triangle

The three straight lines
that make up the triangle
are called sides.

A corner of a
triangle, where two
lines meet, is a
vertex. The word for
more than one
vertex is vertices.

Base and apex
The base is the side
that the triangle “rests”
on. The apex is the vertex
at the top of the triangle,
opposite the base.

A triangle is a polygon
with three straight sides
and three angles.


214_215_Triangles.indd 214 29/02/2016 18:04

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