
(vip2019) #1

Which fruit do you prefer?






Data handling

Statistics is often called data handling. “Data” just means information.
Statistics involves collecting, organizing, and presenting (displaying) data.
It also involves interpreting the data – trying to understand what it can tell us.

We can collect data by carrying out
a survey. In a survey, we ask a group
of people questions and record their
answers. These two survey robots are
asking a class of school children which
fruit they prefer.

If there are several possible answers
to a question, these may be listed
on the questionnaire. There will be a tick
box beside each answer so that it is
quick and easy to record a response.

The answers the children give, before the
data is organized, are called raw data.

Survey questions are often written
on a form called a questionnaire.
This is the robots’ questionnaire. It asks
children to choose between five fruits.

Another way to collect data is to
hold a vote about something. You
ask a question, and people give
their answers – for example, by
raising a hand. Then you count the
number of raised hands. These
robots are voting on whether they
prefer nuts or bolts.

This tick
shows one
child likes
grapes best


Nuts 6

Bolts 2

Nuts or bolts?

268_269_Data_handling.indd 268 29/02/2016 18:06

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