
(vip2019) #1

Types of average
We can use three different
types of average to describe a
set of data, such as the heights
of a group of giraffes. They are
called the mean, the median,
and the mode. Each one tells
us something different about
the group. But they all use a
single value to represent the
group as a whole. To find out
more, see pages 277-79.


An average is a kind of “middle” value used to represent a set
of data. Averages help you to compare different sets of data,
and to make sense of individual values within a data set.

Not typical of team Typical of team Not typical of team

The average age of the Reds football
team is 10. Not all the players are 10
years old – some are 9 and some are 11.
But 10 is the age that is typical of the
team as a whole.

The average age of the Blues
football team is 12. Comparing the
two averages, we can see that the Blues
team is, typically, older than the Reds.

An average can also tell
us if an individual value
is typical of the data set or
unusual. For example, the
Reds’ average age of 10 can
tell us if these three players
aged 9, 10, and 11 are
typical of the team or not.

3.7 m 4.4 m 2.8 m 2.8 m 3.8 m

age = 10

age = 12




12 12 12 12 12 12

11 12 12 1312

9 10 11

age age age

2.8 m

3.7 m 3.5 m

10 10 10 10 10 10

99 10 11 11

The average is the value
that’s most typical of
a set of data.

Player’s age

276_277_Averages_mean.indd 276 29/02/2016 18:06

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