
(Dana P.) #1
Can you take the lead when picking out a pencil? Our handy guide gets you quickly to the point.

Blackwing 602
Draws a link between Walt Disney and
Vladimar Nabokov, who both favoured
this smooth, soft number in the 1960s.

Recycled Pencil
The Fabula Organic , made in Croatia
from tea leaves, coffee and f lowers – and
golden berry seed to plant after use.

Electrographic Mark Sensing Pencil
Made with highly conductive ar tif icial
g raphite by IBM, so school tests could
be electronically marked.

No. 123 HB Pencil
Made by the Cumberland Pencil
Company, drawing on centuries of pencil
making and graphite mining in the Lakes.

Ruby 621
One of India’s famous rubies. And perhaps
as valuable too, given that they’ve been
made and sold for more than half a century.

This Japanese pencil’s soft, wide core
makes for a brushlike stroke suitable for
use in traditional calligraphy.

Litho-Rub Eraser
An office interloper / a handy bit of kit for
1960s secretaries: an eraser for its core, and
a brush to get rid of any eraser dust.

Van Dyke 601 No. 2^3 ⁄ 8 Pencil
Never seen near Van Dyke’s fingers,
and later named ‘Microtomic’: a case of
out with the old (master) in with the new.

Noris HB School Pencil
Uniting Europe – well, European school
children , at lea st. This German desig n is
the most popular pencil on the continent.



These pencils are taken from Pencils You Should Know: A history of the ultimate writing essential in 75 anecdotes
by Caroline Weaver (Chronicle Books). Photographs by Olivia Megalis

Can youtaketheleadwhenpickingouta pencil?Ourhandyguidegetsyouquicklytothepoint.

Blackwing 602
Drawsa linkbetween Walt Disney and
VladimarNabokov, who both favoured
thissmooth,softnumber in the 1960s.

TheFabulaOrganic ,madeinCroatia
fromtealeaves,coffeeandf lowers– and

Electrographic MarkSensingPencil
Made with highly conductivear tif icial
g raphite by IBM, so schooltestscould
be electronicallymarked.

No. 123 HBPencil
Made by the CumberlandPencil
Company, drawing on centuriesofpencil
making and graphite miningintheLakes.

Ruby 621
One of India’s famous rubies.Andperhaps
as valuable too, given thatthey’vebeen
made and sold for more thanhalfa century.

ThisJapanesepencil’s soft, wide core
makesfora brushlike stroke suitable for
useintraditional calligraphy.

Anofficeinterloper/ a handybitofkitfor
a brushtogetridofanyeraserdust.

VanDyke 601 No. 2^3 ⁄ 8 Pencil
NeverseennearVan Dyke’s fingers,
andlaternamed‘Microtomic’: a case of
outwiththeold(master) in with the new.

UnitingEurope– well,Europeanschool
children ,atlea st.ThisGermandesig nis



These pencils are taken from Pencils You Should Know: A history of the ultimate writing essential in 75 anecdotes
by Caroline Weaver (Chronicle Books). Photographs by Olivia Megalis
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