Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1



  1. Trace the sectioned circle pattern
    (below) onto a plain piece of paper
    and cut out.

  2. Cut a square of background
    fabric exactly 18 ̋ square. This is
    larger than what you need; you will
    trim it later.

  3. Find the midpoint of each
    side (9 ̋) and draw a vertical and
    horizontal line to connect those
    midpoints. This identifies the center
    and divides the square into quarters.

9 ̋ 9 ̋

9 ̋

9 ̋
18 ̋ background square

  1. Place the sectioned circle pattern on the fabric square by pinning through
    the paper center and into the center of the fabric. Do this on a rotary mat
    or a piece of cardboard. Keeping the centers matched with the pin, swivel
    the paper circle so the horizontal and vertical lines of the paper match the 4
    lines marked on the fabric. Use removable tape to attach the paper circle to
    the fabric.


uuu Noteworthy uuu
I used a white Clover pen, which can be removed later with the heat of an
iron but which will remain clear as you work. You must be able to see all
the marked lines on the fabric for accurate placement of all the squares.
If you are working on a white fabric, mark with a product you can see
but can be removed later. Do not use a chalker, as it will brush away as
you work.
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