- Take an 18 ̋ square of plain or
graph paper and fold it in half and
then in half again. Do this carefully
and make really sharp creases. - Using a compass, draw a quarter
circle with a radius of 73/4 ̋ on your
folded paper. The center folds are
your pivot point. Refer to page 19:
How to Use a Compass to Draw a
Circle. Holding the paper securely
so it does not shift (you could staple
it if you care to), cut the curve. You
will be cutting 4 layers of paper; be
folds and
pivot point
7¾ ̋
Fold the paper and draw
a quarter circle on it.
- Open the paper. Place the paper
circle onto the right side of the appli-
quéd block, matching the centers
and creases with the center and lines
on the background with pins, as you
did previously. Tape this in place.
Use a removable marker to draw a
circle on the background, following
the edge of the paper circle. (You are
marking a 151/2 ̋ circle, 73/4 ̋ radius,
onto the background.) - Make a template (page 90) from
shape I (pattern on page 115). Cut 4
I shapes from appropriate fabric and
join to create a 161/2 ̋ square with a
cut-out circle. (I waited until I was
working on the design wall to do
this, because in my quilt the 4 I’s are
different fabrics that blend with the
quilt background.)
- Place the I square right side up
on the 161/2 ̋ square appliquéd back-
ground. The 4 seams of the I shape
should align with the horizontal
and vertical lines on the background
fabric. With right sides together,
match and pin the raw edge of the
4 seams to the horizontal and ver-
tical lines on the background where
they intersect with the circle line.
Working with a corner at a time,
bring a corner to the center. With
right sides together, continue to
match and pin the raw edge of the
I square to the circle line between
the pins all the way around the
circle. The appliqué block remains
flat on the bottom while the I shape
is pinned to the circle line on the
Position I over the block. Turn over and
pin as the arrows indicate.
- Sew the I shape to the back-
ground square with a 1/4 ̋ seam
allowance; make sure this is smooth
with no pleats. Evaluate your sewing
carefully. Press the seam away from
the circle. I do not trim the excess
block fabric until I am ready to actu-
ally sew it into my quilt, then I trim
the excess to the raw edges of the I
Appliqué, stencil, or paint the peace
sign onto a 5 ̋ × 61/2 ̋ (unfinished)
piece of fabric.
Quilt Assembly
Now that the blocks are complete,
you are ready to go to the design
wall. Section it off and begin your
process of folding and pinning fabric
around the blocks. Sketch #3 (page
77) is your cutting and sewing
guide. Measurements include the
seam allowance, and the grid dimen-
sion is 11/2 ̋. Refer to Designing on
an Overall Grid (page 71) to com-
plete the sampler.
As a final touch, after the quilt
is assembled, appliqué 3/4 ̋ × 3/4 ̋
squares to the borders in various
places. Refer to pages 112–113 for
appliqué instructions and to the
photo on page 99 for placement