8 squares per inch
Beyer, Jinny, Patchwork Patterns, McLean, VA: EPM
Publications, 1979.
Brackman, Barbara, Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt
Patterns, Paducah, KY: American Quilter’s Society,
Garber, Gail, Stellar Journeys, Paducah, KY: American
Quilter’s Society, 2001.
Hall, Jane, and Dixie Haywood, Perfect Pineapples,
Lafayette, CA: C&T Publishing, 1989.
Martin, Judy, Shining Star Quilts, Montrose, PA; Moon
over the Mountain Publishing, 1987.
McCloskey, Marsha, Feathered Star Quilts, Woodinville,
WA: That Patchwork Place, 1988.
McClun, Diana, and Laura Nownes, Quilts Galore!,
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1991.
Sally Collins is an award-
winning quiltmaker, teacher,
and author of a DVD titled
Sally Collins Teaches You Pre-
cision Piecing and of four
previously published books,
Small Scale Quiltmaking;
The Art of Machine Piecing;
Borders, Bindings, and Edges;
and Mastering Precision Piecing.
She took her first quiltmaking class in 1978 and
quickly discovered the pleasure and joy of making
quilts. Although she is most recognized for her quality
workmanship and teaching expertise, her continual
interest is in the process of quiltmaking—the journey.
She loves the challenge of combining design, color, and
intricate piecing in a traditional style. Through this
book, Sally hopes to open the door to creative freedom
as she guides, encourages, and challenges quilters to
draft and design their own work, from start to finish.
Sally spends her time traveling across the country, con-
ducting workshops, giving presentations, and enjoying
life with her husband, Joe; son, Sean; and grandchildren,
Kaylin, Joey, and Lucas. Sally can be reached at
Pasquini, Katie, Mandala, Lafayette, CA: C&T
Publishing, 1983.
Pippin, Kitty, Quilting with Japanese Fabrics,
Woodinville, WA: That Patchwork Place, 2000.
Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine, Drafting Articles,
October 1994 to November 1995.
Reis, Sherry, Basic Quiltmaking Techniques for Eight-
Pointed Stars, Woodinville, WA: That Patchwork Place,
Squier-Craig, Sharon, Drafting Plus, Montrose, PA:
Chitra Publications, 1994.
Venters, Diana, and Elaine Krajenke Ellison,
Mathematical Quilts, Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum
Press, 1999.
Wolfrom, Joen, The Visual Dance, Lafayette, CA: C&T
Publishing, 1995.
Also by Sally Collins