Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1


if I’m making only one block or if I’m doing a repeat-
block quilt, because then the size of the block is not
as important as working in a grid dimension that I’m
comfortable with.

If the grid dimension plus seam allowance is not ruler-
friendly (the smallest fraction I use with rulers is 1/ 16 )
and I’m using templates for cutting, I use the tem-
plate to evaluate and monitor the patchwork. Refer to
Templates (page 90).

to Measure Patchwork Using Grid Dimension

Measure Patchwork
Let’s assume that we’re going to sew the 6 ̋ Sawtooth
Star block that has a grid dimension of 11/2 ̋ (remember,
the grid dimension does not include seam allowances).
The fabric is cut (including seam allowances), the pieces
and units are created, the block is laid out, and we are
ready to sew together the first two pieces of Row 1.

1½ ̋ 1½ ̋1½ ̋ 1½ ̋
Row 1

Row 2

Row 3


  1. Add the number of grids you have sewn together
    (in this case, 3).

uuuuuu Noteworthy uuuuuu
When measuring, whenever a shape or unit takes up
the space of more than one grid, it gets credit for the
number of grids it occupies.

  1. Multiply the number of grids sewn (3) by the grid
    dimension (11/2 ̋).

  2. Add 1/2 ̋ for seam allowance, always. This means that
    for the Sawtooth Star block, 3 grids × 11/2 ̋ = 41/2 ̋ +
    1/2 ̋ for seam allowances = 5 ̋. The first 3 grids of Row 1
    should measure 5 ̋ from edge to edge. If they do, great;
    if they do not, either the cutting or the sewing is in
    question. Do not continue adding grids until the first 3
    measure 5 ̋. When these 3 grids measure 5 ̋, forget this
    number and continue.

1½ ̋ 1½ ̋ 1½ ̋

5 ̋
3 grids of Row 1

  1. Add the next piece of Row 1 to those already sewn.
    Because you have now added another grid, you must
    repeat Steps 1–3 to measure your work from edge to
    edge. The piece should now measure 61/2 ̋ (4 grids × 11/2 ̋
    grid dimension = 6 ̋ + 1/2 ̋ for seam allowances = 61/2 ̋).
    1½ ̋1½ ̋ 1½ ̋1½ ̋

6½ ̋
Row 1 complete

Now you can draw and sew any grid-based block in any
size you need!
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