- Using the protractor, divide the
square into 4 segments (90° ÷ 4 =
22.5°); then mark dots at 22.5°, 45°,
and 67.5°. (See Steps 3–4 on page
22 for more details.) To mark degree
dots onto the segment arc, align the
edge of the ruler with each degree
dot and the handle corner. Do not
draw lines; only dots.
1¼ ̋ Handle arc
2 ̋ Reference arc
4¼ ̋ Segment arc
Draw a square and reference, handle,
and segment arcs; then divide the
square into 4 segments and mark dots.
- To make markings on the refer-
ence arc at the midpoint of each
segment, use the protractor and
make a mark 11.25° from the edge.
From there, mark every 22.5°
(11.25°, 33.75°, 56.25°, 78.75°). To
use the compass to find the mid-
point, refer to page 23. - Connect the markings from the
reference arc to the segment arc to
create the points and to complete
one half of the design, or a quarter
of a full circular design.
67.5° 45°
3 3.^7 5°
1¼ ̋ Handle arc 2 ̋ Reference ar4¼ ̋ Segment arc c
Determine the midpoint of each
segment and create points.
Winding Ways Block
Although this traditional block can often appear
contemporary and complex, it is quite simple
to draft. When set in a block-to-block fashion,
it creates circular designs. Although it consists
of only three shapes, it is filled with design and
color potential, as is evident in Nancy Elliot
MacDonald’s stunning quilt below.
Depending on your block size, you might need to tape graph paper together
or, if the block is larger than about 12 ̋, employ the yardstick compass.
Black and White, 72 ̋ × 88 ̋, designed, pieced, and machine quilted by Nancy Elliot
MacDonald, Carmichael, CA.
- Choose a block size and draw a 9-square grid of that size on graph paper.
Winding Ways block
uuu Noteworthy uuu
The farther the reference arc is
from the segment arc, the longer
and sharper the points will be. 1¼ ̋ Handle arc
3 ̋ Reference arc
3½ ̋ Reference arc
2½ ̋ Reference arc
4¼ ̋ Segment arc
Three different reference arc
placements: 21/2 ̋, 3 ̋, and 31/2 ̋