8 squares per inch
Log Cabin and Pineapple Blocks
Log Cabin and Courthouse Steps Blocks
These two time-honored designs continue to be popular
today. The components of both a Log Cabin block and a
Courthouse Steps block are the same—a center square,
or “chimney,” with strips, or “logs,” added around the
Log Cabin block Courthouse Steps block
The Log Cabin block is usually colored diagonally, with
light fabrics on one diagonal half and dark fabrics on the
other diagonal half. Any design you can create with half-
square triangles, you can create with Log Cabin blocks.
The logs are added to the chimney in either a clockwise
or a counterclockwise spiral fashion—just be consistent.
Half-square triangle unit
The Courthouse Steps block is colored in diagonal
quarters and can be used the same as any quarter-square
triangle unit. The logs are added to the top and bottom
of the chimney and then to the two sides repeatedly
until the block is complete.
Quarter-square triangle unit
Antique Log Cabin Quilt, 76 ̋ × 76 ̋, maker unknown.
When designing, you make all the choices. Keep in
mind that nothing is written in stone; you can always
make changes. If I’m in question about proportion, I
usually sketch a block on graph paper to see how it will
look before I begin a final draft.
You decide the following:
Block size
Center (chimney) size—When drafting from the
inside out, I usually make the center either the size of
the logs or twice the size of the logs. The center can
also be a pieced block or a rectangle or another shape
such as a diamond (45° or 60°) or hexagon. Changing
the shape of the center square alters the shape of the