Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1


o Sharyn Craig, a valued and admired friend. I thank you for sharing
your expertise and information throughout your long career with such

an open and generous heart. You made math clear and understandable and

helped open the door to creative freedom for so many of us, your students; I

aspire to do the same with this book. You continue to serve as a role model

for me as a quiltmaker and teacher, and I am forever grateful for your generos-

ity and kindness. You leave indelible footprints on my heart and the world of

quiltmaking—thank you.



riting books has always been exciting, fun, challenging, and at times
frustrating, confusing, and overwhelming; and this book, my fifth, has

been no different. Writing a book is not a solitary task; it takes many hearts,

hands, and eyes to make an idea materialize. I thank each of you, from the

bottom of my heart. Always, first, my husband, Joe, for continuing to support

what I do and love me without question; my son, Sean, for all his patience,

knowledge, information, and help on the Chrysanthemum block; Larry

Axelrod, my friend Susan’s husband, who is a wizard at math and answered

any question I asked; my friend Glorianne Garza, who supports my work and

gives honest, insightful help and critique; my friends Charlene Dakin, Marg

Gair, and Nancy Elliott MacDonald, for kindly lending their beautiful quilts;

Diana McClun and Laura Nownes, for sharing their Double Wedding Ring

drafting instructions; Elaine Krajenke Ellison, who’s eye-opening book, Math-

ematical Quilts, taught me so much. To all my students—I have learned so

much from you. To C&T Publishing, for giving me the opportunity to share

what I do again; to Liz Aneloski, developmental editor, who is absolutely the

best; to my technical editors, Teresa Stroin and Joyce Lytle; to my book de-

signer, Kerry Graham, and my illustrator, Lon Eric Craven; and to my produc-

tion team, Zinnia Heinzmann and Julia Cianci.

I am forever grateful to you all.

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