Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1


Dutch Rose Block

This block is pieced from five
shapes: two triangles, one diamond,
one square, and one parallelogram.


  1. Draft a 6 ̋ LeMoyne Star (page 54); do not erase any
    lines. Connect A to B across the corners.

  2. Where the horizontal and vertical lines meet the
    block edge, label those 1, 3, 5, and 7.

  3. Where the diagonal line going toward the corner
    intersects with the AB diagonal across the corner, label
    those intersections 2, 4, 6, and 8.

  4. Align your ruler edge with 1 and 3. To minimize
    lines, look at the block diagram to see where to stop
    the lines when they meet the diamond edge from both
    sides of the block. Use your red pencil to connect 1 to

  5. Continue almost connecting 3 to 5, 5 to 7, and 7 to 1.
    This creates the small triangles at the edge and one side
    of two diamonds.

  6. Align your ruler edge with 2 and 4. Use your red
    pencil to connect the points, stopping the line at the
    diamond edge. Repeat for 4 to 6, 6 to 8, and 8 to 2. This
    creates the 4 small corner squares.

  7. To create the 4 squares on-point (these are the same
    size as the corner squares), align your ruler edge with 2
    and 4 again. Mark dots where the ruler edge intersects
    the 3-7 line. Repeat for 4 to 6 (the 5-1 line), 6 to 8 (the
    7-3 line), and 8 to 2 (the 1-5 line). With your blue pencil,
    lightly connect the marks to create a larger single square
    on-point. This creates the 2 outside edges of the 4 small
    on-point squares.
    7. To complete the remaining 2 edges of the 4 squares
    and one edge of the center diamonds, align your ruler
    edge diagonally with 2 corners of the small red squares.
    With your blue pencil, draw a line from the large on-
    point square to the vertical 1-5 line. Draw a similar line
    from the large on-point square to the horizontal 7-3 line;
    make 4.
    8. To create the parallelogram, align your ruler with
    the corners of 2 opposite on-point squares. With your
    orange pencil, draw a line from the triangle point to the
    diagonal line, running from corner to corner from both
    edges. Repeat 4 times to make 8 parallelograms.













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Draft a LeMoyne Star. Label the vertical, horizontal, and
diagonal lines. Use different colors to connect the points.

  1. Erase all unnecessary lines, leaving only seamlines.

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