Even though the LeMoyne Star block is based on eight
equal divisions of a circle, rather than on equal divisions
along the edge of a square, the divisions along the edge
of the LeMoyne Star block still have a relationship. This
relationship is based on a streamlined understanding of
the mathematical theory of the Pythagorean theorem:
a 2 + b 2 = c 2. This theorem states that the diagonal of
a square (or the long side of a right-angle triangle) is
always 1.414 times longer than the finished size of the
side of the square or right-angle triangle. This is always
the case, without fail. Remember, I have no formal math
education, so if I can do this, you can too! It is not as
important to remember the theorem as it is to under-
stand the relationship between the side of a square and
its diagonal or between the side of a right-angle triangle
and its diagonal.
1 1
Square Right-angle triangle
1 1.414 1
6 ̋ LeMoyne Star block
Looking at the top edge of the block diagram, notice
how the theorem applies to the LeMoyne Star block.
Assign the 1 value to the two squares and the 1.414
value to the middle division of the block (which is the
diagonal of the square). When you add the three values
together (1 + 1.414 + 1), the sum of the parts is 3.414.
If you divide the size of the block you desire (6 ̋) by the
sum of the parts (6 ̋ ÷ 3.414 = 1.7574 = 13/4 ̋), the result
is the finished size of the square, which is also the size
of all four sides of the diamond and the two short sides
of the triangle (remember, the triangle is the diagonal
half of the square). When you know the shapes and
their sizes, draw those shapes on 8-to-the-inch graph
paper (in this case) and add seam allowances to all sides
of each shape. Then rotary cut or make templates to cut
your fabric, depending on whether the sizes are ruler
1¾ ̋
1¾ ̋
1¾ ̋
This method also allows you to choose the size of the
corner square for the LeMoyne Star, which tells you the
size of the diamond and the triangle. You might do this
if you were making a repeat block quilt and you wanted
to work with a size with which you are comfortable or
that is ruler friendly. It is only important that they are
all the same size. Let’s say you are making a medallion-
style quilt, and the size of the block isn’t as important
as the size of the pieces you want to work with. If you
choose the size of the corner square and multiply that
by 3.414 (the sum of the parts), the result is the block
size. For example, if you choose to work with a 13/4 ̋
corner square, 1.7574 (always use the decimal) × 3.414
= 5.9997, which is the decimal equivalent of 6 ̋, which
would be the block size.
In summary, to determine the size of the square, dia-
mond, and triangle for a 6 ̋ LeMoyne Star block, divide
the block size by the sum of the parts, which is 3.414. To
determine the block size for a LeMoyne Star, multiply
the sum of the parts (3.414) by the desired size of the
corner square.
This theorem applies to many other 8-pointed star
blocks. Although the sum of the parts can change,
depending on the complexity of the block, the principle
and formula remain the same.
I use this method when appropriate. With it I do not
need to draft the entire block to identify my shapes or
see how they are situated to each other. I have a line
drawing or a photo or a quilt to show me how the block
looks and how the shapes are situated to each other; I
just need to know what size the shapes are for any block
size I choose.
Now that you have a clear understanding of the
LeMoyne Star block, I want to show you how this same
principle is applied to other 8-pointed star designs,
including some that we drafted on graph paper earlier.
Carefully look at each design and notice the relationship
among the squares, triangles, and diamonds. This pro-
cess will become logical and sensible. Take your time.