Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1


  1. The 2 short sides of the F kite are developed by
    drawing a line at a 90° angle from both 3 ̋ lines until
    they intersect.

F 90°angle



3 ̋

3 ̋

  1. To determine the size of the E diamond, multiply the
    short side of the D feather (1 ̋) by 1.414.

1 ̋ × 1.414 = 14/ 10 ̋

  1. On 10-to-the-inch graph paper, draw the E diamond
    so all 4 sides measure 14/ 10 ̋ at 45° angles to each other.


45° 1⁄ ̋


Draw E.

  1. To determine the size of the A square, add up the
    inches that fit along the side of the A square.

1 ̋ + 1 ̋ + 1 ̋ + 1.414 ̋ = 4.414 ̋ = 44/ 10 ̋

  1. On 10-to-the-inch graph paper, draw the A square.

4⁄ ̋


1.414 ̋

1 ̋

1 ̋

1 ̋

Draw A.

  1. The B triangle is the diagonal half of the A square.
    On 10-to-the-inch graph paper, draw the B triangle.


4⁄ ̋
Draw B.

  1. To determine the size of the G triangle, measure the
    short side of the F kite; it should be 11/4 ̋.

  2. On 8-to-the-inch graph paper, draw a triangle with
    short sides that measure 11/4 ̋ and connect their ends.

1¼ ̋

1¼ ̋ G

Draw G.

  1. To determine the size of the H octagon, add the
    short side of the G triangle twice, plus its diagonal mea-
    surement once.
    1.25 ̋ × 1.414 = 1.7675 ̋ (diagonal measurement of G
    1.25 ̋ + 1.25 ̋ + 1.7675 ̋ = 4.2675 ̋ = 41/4 ̋

  2. On 8-to-the-inch graph paper, draw a 41/4 ̋ square.
    Come 11/4 ̋ (the size of the short sides of the G triangle)
    in from each side of each corner. Connect the points and
    erase the triangles to reveal the H octagon shape.

1¼ ̋

1¼ ̋

4¼ ̋

4¼ ̋



Draw a square, and then draw
diagonal corner lines.
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