Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1


Welcome to Drafting

Although this book will introduce and explain a variety
of drafting categories (grid based, circular, log cabin/
pineapple, and 8-pointed star), it is important to under-
stand that each category has its own process, or series
of steps, necessary to complete its drafting. This process
is cumulative rather than singular, meaning that no
one step is more or less important than any other step.
They are all equal, and each must be done precisely and
in concert with the others. Any inaccuracies, however
small, will negatively affect the design. Inaccuracies will
lead to shapes not fitting exactly, block size changing,
blocks not square, and so forth. You will find your-
self continually compensating for any drafting errors
throughout the sewing process. Thus, remaining focused
and aware at each step is critical to success. The quality
of your work is a reflection of how well you execute the

uuuuuu Noteworthy uuuuuu
Whenever you draft, design, calculate, or figure out
anything in patchwork, you are never including seam
allowance. Seam allowance is only relevant when you
begin to cut and sew your fabric.

When drafting, you will create your design in actual
size, so you can see exactly what size each individual
shape will be. This will help you choose designs compat-
ible with your piecing skills—in general, the more pieces
in a block, the more sewing skill is required. If you
are new to drafting, it will be beneficial to read, draft,
and follow the book sequentially and experience all the
categories, in order, to gain confidence and drafting skill.



The information and skill development
offered in each chapter are cumulative and
sometimes relate to the next or previous chapters.
The ability to draft your own blocks or designs in the
size you choose will advance your creative skills. It
will also be fun, exciting, sometimes challenging, and
always satisfying. Drafting gives you the opportunity
and option to change your design by adding lines, elimi-
nating lines, changing lines, or sometimes drawing a line
“incorrectly,” which is often how original designs are
Pattern drafting begins with and relies on the ability to
recognize and understand the underlying architecture
of patchwork. Once you can distinguish between a grid-
based category and an 8-pointed star category, from
a hexagon category and a circular category, you have
unlocked the door to creative freedom.

uuuuuu Noteworthy uuuuuu
I always use either 8- or 10-to-the-inch cross-
sectioned graph paper when I draft. This paper
makes it easier to draw an accurate square. I can
also use the graph paper lines as guidelines to
draw accurate horizontal, vertical, and 45° lines.
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