Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1


Height: 16"

Width: 8–1 2 "

Depth: 6–19"

Wat e r : Heavy
Sun : Part shade, avoid direct long days of direct sun.
Will bolt at temperatures above 60ºF for a week or so,
but shading will help.
Companion Planting :
pro: Beans, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, peas
con: Carrots, pumpkin squash
Pests : Aphids, cabbage loopers, whitefl ies, nematodes
Diseases : Blight, leaf spot
Soil: Humus-rich soil with good drainage
Fertilizer: Dig in compost to 12 inches before plant­
ing ; fish emulsion every 2–3 weeks

pH: 5.8–6.8
Varieties : Golden Self-Blanching , Tendercrisp
Zones : 5–10
Planting : Sow indoors 10 weeks before last frost; sow
outdoors 19 weeks before first frost; plant ⅛ inch deep,
6–8 inches apart
Germinate: 10 days
Harvest: 120–180 days before first frost in autumn
Rotation: Don’t follow lettuce, cabbage
Edible: Leaves, stalks, seeds, roots (celeriac)

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