Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1


Height: 2 4– 30 "

Width: 2 4"

Depth: 10 –16"

Biennial/Annual/Hardy/Cool Season
Wat e r : Moderate
Sun : Full
Companion Planting :
pro: tomatoes, peppers
con: Celery, potatoes, cabbages
Pests : Aphids, loopers, worms, fl ea beetles
Diseases : Rotate beds to avoid common diseases
Soil: Medium-light soil, well dug in before planting
Fertilizer: Compost well; fish emulsion every 3–4
pH: 5.5–6.8
Varieties : Champion, Vates

Zones : 3 and warmer
Planting : Seed ¼–½ inch deep, 4 weeks before last
frost; plant out 2 inches and thin progressively to 16
Germinate: 10 days
Harvest: 60–90 days
Rotation: Don’t follow cabbage family, as diseases can
easily follow
Edible: Leaves

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