Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1
Height: 2 4– 30 "

Width: 2 4– 3 6"

Depth: 4–7"

Egg plant

Perennial (Zone 10)/Annual in other zones
Wat e r : Heavy, drip irrigation
Sun : Full; shade if over 100ºF
Companion Planting :
pro: Peas, beans, peppers
con: Corn, fennel, tomatoes
Pests : Lace bugs, aphids, cutworms, whitefl ies
Diseases : Root rot, anthracnose
Soil: Well-drained soil in warm locations, preferably in
raised beds; light, sandy loam
Fertilizer: Fish emulsion every 3–4 weeks
pH: 5.5–6.8
Varieties : Black Beauty (deep purple), Ichiban (long,
easier to grow in hot weather)

Plant Care: Pinch off branch tips when plant is 6 feet
tall; keep fruit one to a branch for larger size
Zones : 5–12 (perennial in Zone 10, where the plants
can survive the winter)
Planting : Seed ¼–½ inch deep (indoors), 4–6 weeks
before last frost; put transplants out when temperature
exceeds 70ºF, 3–5 inches apart, and then thin to 18–24
Germinate: 10–15 days
Harvest: From seed, 100–140 days; from transplant,
50–75 days
Rotation: Should follow beans or peas if possible
Edible: Fruit

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