Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1
Height: 12 – 2 4"

Width: 6–8"

Depth: 4– 5 "


Perennial/Cool Season
Wat e r : Low
Sun : Full
Companion Planting :
pro: Beets, cabbage family, lettuce, tomatoes, straw­
con: Beans, peas
Pests : Aphids, nematodes, thrips
Diseases : Botrytis rot, white rot
Soil: Good drainage; benefits from rich composting
(if possible, keep onion discards out of the compost used
for garlic)
Fertilizer: Moderate

pH: 4.5–8.3
Varieties : The small clove comes from the lily family;
the elephant clove is related to the leek (Allium scorodo­
prasum) and is, in my opinion, too mild to be called
garlic; silverskin (soft neck for cool regions) is my favor­
ite to date
Zones : 5–10
Planting : Late summer, autumn; cloves, 2 inches deep,
6 weeks before last frost; 4–8 inches apart
Germinate: 7–14 days (needs 55ºF for germination)
Harvest: 90–100 days
Rotation: Don’t follow onion crops
Edible: Cloves and scapes

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