Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1
Height: 6–7"

Width: 2 – 3 "

Depth: 6–8"

Jerusalem Artichoke

Wat e r : Moderate
Sun : Full
Companion Planting :
pro: None, keep isolated
con: None
Pests : Spray leaves in insecticidal soap for mites. Guard
against gophers and voles, which love the tasty root.
Diseases : None
Soil: Humus-rich sandy loam; doesn’t grow well in clay,
so add sand and compost
Fertilizer: Moderate nitrogen, phosphorus, and po­

pH: 5.8–6.2
Varieties : Mamouth, Stampede (white), Boston Red
(red, as in Sox), French White (very successful for home
Zones : 4–10
Planting : Tubers, 4 inches deep, 6 inches apart; 4–6
weeks after last frost for fall harvest
Germination: 7–14 days
Harvest: 110–150 days
Rotation: Don’t rotate; create a permanent bed
Edible: Tu b e r

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