Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1


Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes


ompare the Latin names of kohlrabi and cultivar called Rapid, as it can be ready in 25
kale and you’ll see that they are almost iden­ days after transplanting. And the best size is
tical. Both are Brassica oleracea, but there the like a small apple, about 2½ inches in diameter.
similarity definitely ends because kohlrabi’s va- The leaves can be cooked as you would kale.
riety name is (and I really love this) gong ylodes— The bulb, or gong, can be steamed whole or
what a splendid description for the smooth, finely sliced and quartered as an addition to a
round, almost spaceship-like bulb that grows stir-fry in much the same way you’d use water
with kale-like smooth leaves aboveground. chestnuts, but with more fl avor.
Kohlrabi is actually a hybrid that looks for
all the world like a pale green turnip root with
blue-green leaves. In fact, the name suggests The Numbers
such a combination because kohl is German for
“cabbage” and rübi means “turnip.” If you are prone to producing kidney stones, then
you might want to stick with only smaller portions.
The problem is oxalate. Some people absorb higher

If you decide that your kitchen garden
should include a few somewhat unusual plants,
then by all means devote a couple of feet to levels than others. If you have a family history of
kidney stones, you may want to have a simple test to
kohlrabi. They are an attention grabber when see if you take in more than the 3 to 8 percent that’s
you do the grand tour of your raised beds with normal. If it’s high, then you might want to put a
visitors! And if you plant several in diff erent 50-milligram-per-day limit on yourself.
beds, it could help with insect control. For each 100 g raw (3.5 oz ; ½ cup): 27 calories, 0 g
Kohlrabi’s flavor does best when the plant fat, 0 g saturated fat, 6 g carbohydrate, 1 g protein,
grows quickly. I would suggest that you try the 4 g dietary fiber, 20 mg sodium

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