Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1


This makes a wonderful nest for grilled fi sh
and is a deliciously light side dish for summer
barbecues and winter roasts.

8 small kohlrabi bulbs, grated (yield 4 cups)
1 teaspoon olive oil
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

Trim the stems and leaves from the kohlrabi.
Remove the stems from the leaves, discard, and
save the leaves for soups, pasta sauces, or stews.
Peel the bulbs with a potato peeler and grate
coarsely by hand or in a food processor.
Heat the oil in a high-sided skillet over
medium-high; add the shredded kohlrabi and
cook, stirring often, 3–4 minutes or until ten­
der. Season with salt and black pepper, and toss
with the lemon juice.

Per serving : 48 calories, 1 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 9 g
carbohydrate, 2 g protein, 5 g dietary fi ber, 166 mg
sodium. Exchanges: 2 Vegetable


I named this take on the French classic after
our own cottage—and Henry VIII’s extravagant
folly of a castle. It really is a cottage–castle
combination of subtle and big fl avors. A poële
is initially sautéed, followed by partial poach­
ing in a well-seasoned stock, and then steamed,
which results in a grand sharing of fl avors by
all the ingredients.

1 teaspoon olive oil
1 cup chopped sweet onion
1 tablespoon finely chopped gingerroot
2 garlic cloves, bashed and chopped
1 parsnip, cut into 1-inch dice (yield ½ cup)
1 carrot, cut into 1-inch dice (yield ½ cup)
1 kohlrabi bulb, peeled and cut into 1-inch
dice (yield ½ cup)
1 turnip, peeled and cut into 1-inch dice
(yield ½ cup)
2 celery ribs, sliced (yield ½ cup)
1 small orange sweet potato, peeled and cut
into 1-inch dice (yield ½ cup)
1 teaspoon herbes de Provence
1 cup low-sodium vegetable stock (see
page 288)
8 tiny cherry tomatoes
½ cup diagonally cut snow peas
2 teaspoons arrowroot or cornstarch mixed
with 2 tablespoons water (slurry)
1 tablespoon freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley


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